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Prevention in primary care

In the context of a more integrated healthcare landscape and the closer involvement of primary care in preventive health policy , VIVEL carries out a number of tasks with regard to prevention, in which VIVEL will always reflect from the perspective of primary care.

Prevention in primary care

Prevention is essential for promoting health and well-being, reducing the demand for care, and improving the job satisfaction of healthcare professionals. A sustainable preventive health policy is then an integral part of high-quality primary care.

VIVEL zet als netwerkorganisatie in op een meer geïntegreerd zorglandschap en het nauwer betrekken van de eerstelijnszorg in het preventief gezondheidsbeleid.

Prevention is therefore an active theme within VIVEL and in the primary care zones.

Exercise by referral and HALT2Diabetes

For example, VIVEL, together with the Flemish Institute for Healthy Living, the Diabetes League, the Flemish Logos and representatives from various professional groups, is working on the promotion of preventive support through Bewegen Op Referral and HALT2Diabetes. This was done, among other things, through:

  • The development of an Interprofessional Training (IPT) with an e-learning and workshop.
  • Promoting these pathways through factsheets for various professional groups in primary care.

Both will be started up and distributed in 2024.

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VIVEL Academy

Follow the E-learning

Enrich your knowledge about HALT2Diabetes and Exercise By Reference. This e-learning takes about 1 hour.

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Download the fact sheets

HALT2Diabetes and exercise by reference

Are you convinced of the prevention methods HALT2Diabetes and Moving on Referral and do you also want to convince colleagues and care providers from other professional groups of the added value of the methods? Then you can fall back on the fact sheets for this. Available for different professional groups and specific to your field.

Download the fact sheets

Find out all about lifestyle

Lifestyle consists of a combination of behaviors that have a (positive or negative) influence on health.

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