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NIHDI convention psychological care in primary care

NIHDI convention psychological care in primary care

VIVEL is actively involved in strengthening the provision of psychological care that the Federal Government is prioritising throughout the country.

Update 2024 INAMI convention: psychological care in primary care

On December 20, 2023, the NIHDI approved the renewal of the convention ambulatory psychological care in primary care. The previous convention (with an end date of December 31, 2023) was updated based on the evaluation study EPCAP 2.0 and input from stakeholders in the guidance committee within the NIHDI.

Besides an expansion from 2 to 3 functions and the structural introduction of other support tasks, special attention is paid to the further stimulation of innovative practices ( work) and quality group sessions. A budget increase of 55.5 million euros is allocated for this purpose.

From 1 February 2024, the abolition of the personal share for all benefits relating to minors will come into effect. From 1 April 2024, all the modalities of the new convention will come into force.

Zorgnet-Icuro created a handy overview of the updates within the new convention.

More information can always be obtained from the local coordinator of your network.

Publiek dashboard

Vanuit de Riziv-conventie ELP is er een publiek dashboard ontwikkeld. Het geeft een overzicht van het aantal zorggebruikers in de conventie, hun leeftijd, verdeling over de netwerken. Informatie over de zorgverleners (hoeveel nieuwe, hoeveel per netwerk…) alsook een overzicht van de sessies (individueel, groep, gem. aantal sessies per zorggebruiker, plaats van de sessie).

Communication Materials

March 11, the NIHDI is launching a communication campaign on the offer of conventional psychological care: "Don't let them settle." The goal of this campaign is to encourage people to talk about their mental problems and inform them about the offer of conventional psychological care.

Let's discuss mental issues together. More info can be found at Share and talk!


Medical Psychological Consultation

Good cooperation between general practitioners, psychologists and the welfare sector is fundamental for the organisation of high-quality psychological care within primary care. That is why, in collaboration with Domus Medica, VVKP, ELP academy, CAW and Huis voor Gezondheid, we developed the necessary material to steer a Local Medical Psychological Consultation (MPO) in the right direction.

What is the purpose of an MPO?

Local meetings between general practitioners and psychologists support:

  • Commit to strengthening local multidisciplinary cooperation within the framework of the NIHDI convention on psychological care in primary care
  • In an interactive way and based on practical examples, a duo of general practitioners and clinical psychologists explores together how psychological care in primary care can take shape
  • Exchanging experiences with regard to consultation, shared care
  • Make clear agreements about cooperation

And all this in function of high-quality care for the patient within the context of professional secrecy and privacy legislation;

Material for the organisation of an MPO

Materials can be downloaded and used for free:

Want to find out which network is active where you live/work?

Via de zoekmachine wordt je doorverwezen naar de website van het netwerk geestelijke gezondheid, waar je een lijst vindt van de klinisch psychologen en orthopedagogen die in jouw regio geconventioneerd zijn. De contactgegevens van de netwerkcoördinatoren zijn terug te vinden via deze link.
Meer informatie en meest recente lijsten zijn steeds terug te vinden via de website van het RIZIV.



ELP Academy is responsible for qualitative training with regard to Primary Psychological Care.

At Eetexpert, you can follow training (as a novice as well as a more experienced healthcare provider) on the treatment and prevention of eating disorders and weight problems.

VVKP voorziet een gratis opleidingsaanbod voor zorgverstrekkers in de eerste lijn. Dit aanbod kadert binnen een implementatieproject van het FOD Volksgezondheid, voor niet-medicamenteuze aanpak van insomnie.

Psyche ondersteunt zorgprofessionals door kennis over goede praktijken en vernieuwende methodieken uit te dragen.

Je kan er terecht voor nieuws uit de sector, intersectorale procesbegeleiding, gratis e-learnings en vormingen.

Vanuit een samenwerking tussen Psyche en VAD kan je als hulpverlener in de GGZ terecht voor vormingen over alcohol- of druggebruik, gebruik van psychoactieve medicatie, gamen of gokken.


Questions? Contact us!

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