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Targeted care

Targeted care

Purposeful care shifts the approach from disease and problem-oriented care to care that starts from the person in need of care and support (PZON) and what life goals are important, what really matters to him/her in life. It is about a positive approach to health, starting from a person's goals and strengthening the possibilities to maximize the quality of life.

Wat is doelgerichte zorg? Bekijk de introdcutiefilm

Jij kan het verschil maken!

Doelgerichte zorg verschuift de focus van ziekte- en probleemgerichte zorg naar een aanpak die begint bij de persoon met een zorgvraag (PZON) en zijn of haar levensdoelen. Wat doet er écht toe in iemands leven? Het draait om het verbeteren van levenskwaliteit en een positieve kijk op gezondheid, gebaseerd op de doelen en mogelijkheden van de persoon zelf.

De basis van de basis: de cursus ‘Basistraining Doelgerichte Zorg

Deze basiscursus is er voor iedereen: burgers, zorgvragers, mantelzorgers en zorgverleners. Doel: zoveel mogelijk mensen informeren. Je kan de cursus gratis volgen en leert wat doelgerichte zorg is, hoe je dit toepast, en welke tools je kunt gebruiken. Korte videoclips, met Joris Hessels als gids, begeleiden je door de cursus. Meld je eenvoudig aan via de VIVEL Academie. Nog niet aangemeld? Registreren is gratis!

>> Volg nu deze basisopleiding.

Nood aan meer?

Purposeful care is not something you do alone, of course! In order to work together purposefully, it is important to:

  • Mapping goals together with the person and their environment
  • Collaborate interprofessionally to strive for greater quality and continuity of care
  • Recognize social barriers that may impact the care and support process.

Therefore, we offer training and education that supports this.

What courses are there?

Below is an overview of the 3 modules we offer. Entry from module 2 or 3 is possible, if there is sufficient basic knowledge of the framework of targeted care.

Module 1: Purposeful care in the relationship between professional and person

Want to learn more about the process of goal-directed care and your position as a caregiver or social worker?

Learning Objectives.

  • Have a conversation in which a person's life goals are discussed and refined (incl. tools)
  • Coach individuals to include engagement in their care process
  • Recognize your role and professional frame of reference in providing purposeful care for an individual
  • Be able to name the distinction between ends and means

Module 2: Bringing purposeful care into my organization and the interprofessional team

Want to learn more skills to communicate and collaborate in your organization or an interprofessional team?

Learning Objectives.

  • Be able to identify, contact and inform partners about requests for help linked to life goals of the person and their environment
  • Recognizing one's own professional identity in a collaboration
  • Gain understanding about the complexity of situations in organizations

Module 3: Purposeful care from a social responsibility perspective

Want to critically reflect on purposeful care based on barriers and systems in care and wellness?

Learning Objectives.

  • Recognize pitfalls in the healthcare system that may impact quality care or assistance for individuals
  • Building knowledge on improving continuity of care at the individual and population level
  • Learning to set boundaries in purposeful care and the importance of professional well-being

Questions? Email us!

How to organize training?

Do you want to discover and apply the power of purposeful care? Then make your choice below.

I want to organize the training (healthcare degree/organization)

I want to organize the training (healthcare degree/organization)

Our Interprofessional training teaches your participants/staff skills for purposeful care.

I want to organize the training (healthcare degree/organization)
I want to pursue training as an individual

I want to pursue training as an individual

Do you want to strengthen your skills in goal-directed care?

I want to pursue training as an individual

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