Purposeful care - training
Application form Care Councils
You can use this form to submit a request for an interprofessional training course in Goal-Oriented Care in your primary care zone
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Discover the power of goal-based care! Our Interprofessional training teaches your participants to provide care from the patient's life goals. You will learn a positive health approach focused on maximum quality of life. This is how you strengthen skills in person-centered care.
You choose the content of the course you want to offer. Beware! Module 1 provides the framework of goal-oriented care. If you do not offer module 1, you must sufficiently justify that you have already committed to conveying the basic knowledge of goal-oriented care.
There are 2 application forms. Make your choice below and start your application via the form
You can use this form to submit a request for an interprofessional training course in Goal-Oriented Care in your primary care zone
You can use this form to submit an application for an interprofessional training course in Goal-Oriented Care in your primary care organization
If your application is approved, you will receive all the necessary information of the next steps. A trainer will then contact you to determine the date and location. Next, you get to work:
First and foremost, your motivation needs to align with our training goals. If you do not opt for module 1, but 2 or 3, it is important that you demonstrate that the participants have sufficient basic knowledge of goal-oriented care in advance. In this way, we guarantee a sufficient quality training. Finally, we are only opening up 30 courses. So be quick, because full is full! Too late? Don't worry, you will be put on our waiting list and will be contacted when new availabilities occur.
The courses are exempt from VAT. This amount covers the hourly allowance for the trainers.
In return, you will receive:
The prices are subject to any changes by the organization/care council that offers the training
Over the past few weeks, we have been training trainers. They all followed VIVEL's train the trainer program.
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